Father Goodrich Sermons
Sermons by preacher, teacher, scholar, and author, Father Kevin Goodrich, O.P. Father Goodrich’s messages offer listeners spiritual insight and inspiration, as well as an occasional laugh. He is a friar under life vows in the Anglican Order of Preachers (aka "The Dominicans"). Learn more at FatherGoodrich.com
245 episodes
Hold the Line
Faith is about more than warm feelings, it involves persistence. Father Goodrich preached this sermon to a live congregation of Christ Episcopal Church, Westerly, Rhode Island, based on

Back to Basics
What is the most basic of all Christians basics? Father Goodrich preached this sermon to a live congregation of Christ Episcopal Church, Westerly, Rhode Island, on the first Sunday of Lent, based on

Everybody's Got a Letter
In the face of life's most sobering news what should you do? Father Goodrich preached this sermon to a live congregation of Christ Episcopal Church, Westerly, Rhode Island, on Ash Wednesday based on

Get a Life!
Life has its ups and downs, but there should be one constant through it all.Father Goodrich preached this sermon to a live congregation of Christ Episcopal Church, Westerly, Rhode Island, based on Luke 9:28-25, 37-43a.

Liking is Optional, Love is Required
Do you know the secret to dealing with difficult people? Father Goodrich preached this sermon to a live congregation of Christ Episcopal Church, Westerly, Rhode Island, based on Luke 6:27-38.

A Spiritual Arboretum
How can your faith endure in the face of tough times and difficulty?Father Goodrich preached this sermon to a live congregation of Christ Episcopal Church, Westerly, Rhode Island, based on

Have you discovered the secret process of human transformation?Father Goodrich preached this sermon to a live congregation of Christ Episcopal Church, Westerly, Rhode Island, based on

Don't Preach Without It
What is one thing you don't want to ignore when preparing to preach?Father Goodrich preached this sermon at the opening worship service of the "Nourishing the Preaching Life: A Fellowship of Preachers" Conference co-sponsored by the Uni...

Finding Common Ground
How can we find common ground in a divided world?Father Goodrich preached this sermon based in part on Ecclesiastes 3 1-8, 1 Corinthians 12:12-26, and Matthew 22:34-40 to a live congregation of St. John's Episcopal Church, in Dubuque, I...

Cover Song
Do you know the most famous cover song in the New Testament? Father Goodrich preached this sermon based on Luke 1:46-55 to a live congregation of St. John's Episcopal Church, in Dubuque, Iowa. The church was celebrating...

What is discernment and is it for everyone? Father Goodrich preached this sermon based on 1 Samuel 3:1-20 to a congregation of St. John's E...

Christianity and Augmented Reality
What does Augmented Reality mean for Christian faith and life?Father Goodrich preached this sermon as part of a series entitled, "Faith in the Future" to a congregation of St. John's Episcopal Church, in Dubuque, Iowa. In the serm...

Christianity and Artificial Intelligence
What does AI mean for Christian faith and life? Father Goodrich preached this sermon as part of a series entitled, "Faith in the Future" to a congregation of St. John's Episcopal Church, in Dubuque, Iowa. In the sermon he referenc...

Christianity and Aliens
What would the existence of extraterrestrials mean for Christian faith?Father Goodrich preached this sermon as part of a series entitled, "Faith in the Future" based partially on

Before, After, Now
Is the Resurrection about life before, after, or now?Father Goodrich preach this sermon to a congregation of St. John's Episcopal Church on Easter Sunday in Dubuque, Iowa, based on

What's Lent All About? Father Goodrich preached this sermon, based on Mark 9:2-9 to a congregation of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Dubuque, Iowa. Subscribe to the Fath...

The Ultimate Question
What is the answer to life's ultimate question?Father Goodrich preached this sermon, based on 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 to a congregation of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Dubuque, Iowa.

A Life to Live
Serious faith is not about becoming super religious it's about...Father Goodrich preached this sermon, based on John 1:43-51 to a Zoom/online congregation of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Dubuque, Iowa. The congregation worshipped on ZOO...

Baptism, Big Deal.
What’s baptism all about? Father Goodrich preached this sermon, based on Acts 19:-17 and Mark 4:1-11 to an in-person congregation of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Dubuque, Iowa. The congregation was celebrating the feasts of Th...

Three Threads of Dominican Spirituality
What does it mean for someone to join the Dominican Order? Father Goodrich preached this sermon, based on Isaiah 43, 1 Peter 1:13-23; and Luke 13:10-21 to an in-person congregation of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Lincoln, N...

Pregnant with God
What can the life of Mary reveal to us about God and Christian faith today? Father Goodrich preached this sermon, based on Luke 1:46-55 on the Feast of St. Mary to an in-person congregation of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Dub...

The Human Predicament
Are you aware of this deeply human predicament and what to do about it?Father Goodrich preached this sermon, based on Romans 7: 15-25a and Matthew 11:16-19, 25-...

The Bible as a Western
What are we to do with a Bible passage about child sacrifice? Father Goodrich preached this sermon, based on